What Is Om?
Om is a sound that has been chanted by spiritual seekers for centuries. It's a sacred syllable that is said to represent the essence of the universe. But what does it actually mean? Well, strap on your chakras and let's dive in!
First of all, let's get one thing straight: Om is not a trendy abbreviation for "Oh my god." It's not something you text to your friends when you see a cute dog on the street. No, no, no. Om is a serious business. It's a sound that has been meditated upon by sages and yogis for centuries. It's a sound that can take you to higher states of consciousness. It's a sound that can make your head spin (in a good way).
So, what does Om actually mean? Well, there are a few different interpretations. Some say that Om represents the three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. Others say that it represents the three realms of existence: earth, atmosphere, and heaven. And then there are those who say that Om represents the divine trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
But let's be real here. All of those interpretations are a bit boring. They're a bit too "spiritual" for our taste. So, let's come up with some alternative meanings for Om, shall we?
Om is the sound you make when you taste a really good-looking empanada. You know that feeling when you take a bite of a perfectly made empanada and your taste buds explode with joy? That's the sound of Om.
Om is the sound you make when you finally get your yoga pose right. You've been struggling with downward dog for weeks, but today, you nailed it. You're finally able to touch your heels to the ground and you feel like a yoga guru. That's the sound of Om.
Om is the sound you make when you realize you left your phone at home. You're halfway to work and you suddenly realize that you left your phone on the kitchen counter. You panic for a second, but then you remember that you're a zen master and you don't need technology to survive. That's the sound of Om.
Om is the sound you make when you see a really cute baby. You know that feeling when you see a chubby little baby and your heart just melts? That's the sound of Om.
Om is the sound you make when you finally finish a project that you've been working on for months. You've been pulling all-nighters and chugging coffee like it's water, but you finally did it.
You finally finished that damn project. That's the sound of Om.
So, there you have it. Om is not only the intrinsic sound of the universe, it can mean whatever you want it to mean. It can be a sacred symbol of the universe, or it can be the sound you make when you bite into a really good-tasting empanada. It's all up to you. Just remember to chant it with love and respect, and maybe throw in a little bit of humor while you're at it. After all, spirituality doesn't have to be so serious all the time.