The term 'intuition' refers to the capacity to perceive things that are hidden to the five senses via extrasensory perception. Despite the fact that astrology is described as the study of the relationships between people and events on earth, as well as the cycles, movements, and effects of the planets on the lives of individuals, astrology is not a science. Intuition and astrology can assist individuals in making decisions regarding love and profession, and can steer them in the proper way on their life's journey.
Numerous individuals use astrology and intuition for personal and professional guidance today. When you cultivate your intuition, you begin to connect with the spirit that guides us through daily life. Our senses may detect odors, sounds, and even images, which we typically attribute to logical reasoning. These things are simple to account for. A person's life can be improved by having an open mind and trusting their innate intuition.
Realizing your inner capacity to connect with your ultimate self and that you are one with everyone and everything around you. You are a spiritual person having a human experience; this is a natural aspect of life; thus, be receptive and allow astrology and your intuition to guide you!
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A'ho Namaste creates peace movement content and this information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any type of mental or physical issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Light Love Peace
Catherine (Cat) Valliere
After a lifetime of exploration; 2020 Covid life, led me to a full time focus on the gifts of meditation, alternative health and spiritual well being.
Anything I share comes from a place of healing from within myself and in no way is meant to replace professional medical advice. Please follow my journey...
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